This is a small amount of copy decribing or listing your services offered on this topic. This can be really short of kind of long depending on what works. learn more
More ServicesEdu-Safe is the industry leader in school safety staff development programs and training resources.
We provide school safety professional development, as well as educational resources for training certificated and non certificated school staff related to violence prevention, managing aggressive individuals, harassment, intimidation and bullying…learn more
During most discussions of harassment and intimidation related to students, cyber-bullying is sure to be mentioned. And, while this hot topic may not be one of the most pressing problems facing principals rest assured it will be one of the more troubling issues facing students.
For principals, there is not always a clear line…
The holiday season can create additional safety and security concerns for school principals. While this time of year is typically a period of giving, for some it will be a time for taking as well. Some school buildings experience extended days of closure with few, if any, activities occurring. These buildings resemble a home with the occupants…
It is safe to assume that most schools have emergency management plans that outline appropriate responses to events that happen during the school day. And some schools have written plans that accommodate the needs of a catastrophic event that might occur at a concert, theatre production, or other extracurricular activity. But how many schools…
Bomb threats pose some unique planning and response issues for school administrators. And, though this is more typically a secondary school problem, planning should occur district-wide to include elementary, administrative and support facilities.
Just what is an appropriate administrative response?
First, evaluate the threat for credibility. Ignoring a bomb threat or always…
Ask any administrator what causes heartburn and you’re likely to get a variety of answers. But one of the things mentioned at some point in the conversation will be the problem of controlling access in and around the school campus.
Most schools were built in a time when worrying about trespassers was not an issue, and many schools – particularly in rural…
This first in a series of video training aids from Edu-Safe is designed for school administrators to use with teaching staff in establishing a thorough knowledge of basic classroom safety strategies. The video is divided into two parts, each approximately 22 minutes, which cover four sections of material.
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Edu-Safe provides regional training opportunities throughout the year at selected sites across the United States. Through our event section you can register for an upcoming event. learn more